On Saturday November 29, 2008, the Vancouver Sun published this story about the importance of seed-saving, featuring Dan Jason of Salt Spring Seeds and also mentioning Brewster Kneen and efforts to counteract the threat posed by terminator seeds and consolidation of the seed supply in the hands of a small number of corporations:

For Jason, the solution is simple: learn to garden. As an experiment this year, he took 12 of his best and most reliable crops, which included wheat, barley, tomatoes and garbanzo beans, put them into a Zero Mile Diet Seed Kit and sold it for $36. It was wildly successful. For those seriously concerned about food shortages, he suggests a mix of grains and vegetables, including quinoa, amaranth, wheat and barley.

“Until now, people thought seeds were part of the common ownership forever and ever,” he says. “People in other parts of the world already collect their seeds. In general, we’ll be thrown onto ourselves much more in future to provide our food. We might as well start now.”